Industry Insights

The “Industry Insights” category features a curated collection of informative articles, expert advice, and up-to-date news related to the medical device sector. Our goal is to provide valuable resources to help professionals navigate the industry’s challenges, stay informed about the latest innovations, and contribute to the growth and success of their organizations.

Sign with the word 'HIRE'

How to Hire the Right Freelancer for Your Medical Device Project

Successfully navigating the freelance market can propel your medical device project to unprecedented heights. This comprehensive guide provides an end-to-end framework for hiring the right freelancer, setting expectations, understanding contractual and logistical aspects, and maintaining a healthy professional relationship. Empower your MedTech innovation journey with the power of freelance talent, and unlock your project’s full potential.

How to Hire the Right Freelancer for Your Medical Device Project Read More »

Overhead costs

The Competitive Advantage of Low Overhead in Medical Device Recruiting: Big Companies, Bigger Prices, Same Services

Low-overhead medical device recruiting firms are revolutionizing the industry by offering cost-effective, personalized, and agile solutions. With the ability to deliver high-quality services without the hefty price tag of larger agencies, these low-overhead firms provide medical device companies with significant cost savings and access to top talent. By prioritizing long-term relationships and industry expertise, these firms are an ideal choice for companies seeking a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced medical device landscape.

The Competitive Advantage of Low Overhead in Medical Device Recruiting: Big Companies, Bigger Prices, Same Services Read More »